Minicraft/Hasegawa #100
Let's kick off again with a kit released in 1978! We are talking about the Minicraft/Hasegawa "General Dynamics F-16A" kit, catalog...
Back again....
It has been a very long while, 5 years!!!, since I've posted something on my site, but I'm back again... I'll start off with some older...

Belgian Air Force "Solo Display 2012-2013"
After some delay, here is my newest review of a decal sheet, this time covering an F-16 of my home country. Produced by Syh@rt, the...

Falcon Eggs
Runner up of today is the second F-16 egg of 2 decal sheets produced by TwoBobs Aviation Graphics. EP-002 "F-16 AF Falcon Eggs"....

Aggressive Eggs
A late start already :-) As my light tent hasn't been delivered yet, I'm not able to take detailed pictures of a kit's sprues. Therefore...
Welcome to my blog.
Welcome to my blog. It is my intention to provide fellow modellers a clear and honest, although personal, view on scale model kits...